Nyctophobia – The Fear of the Dark

Nyctophobia is a very severe form of social phobia that leads to severe emotional symptoms and depression.

Nyctophobia - The Fear of the Dark

The disorder is actually defined as a generalized fear of the dark night and the inability to fully relax. While some fear of the dark is normal, if it affects your sleep and day-to-day activities, then it may be time for you to seek treatment from a mental health professional.

There are several theories about how this disorder develops. Many believe that it has to do with the fact that the fear of the dark often comes during periods of high stress. There is also the theory that the fear of the dark is a result of an unhealthy relationship with the opposite sex.

Nyctophobia - The Fear of the Dark

In the most common form of this disorder, an individual who suffers from this disorder will have excessive fears of being unable to escape from the dark. This could lead to the phobias of having difficulty in making it through the night.

Some research has suggested that individuals who suffer from this disorder are more likely to develop phobias related to fear of flying or other forms of traveling, and the fear of being unable to leave their bed in the event that they are unable to sleep. It is also believed that a person with this condition may also be more prone to panic attacks. If left untreated, the patient may feel as though they are on the verge of losing control, and may develop a phobia of the dark.

The symptoms associated with Nyctophobia can range from extreme anxiety to outright panic.

Nyctophobia - The Fear of the Dark

Some individuals who suffer from this disorder may experience shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, headaches, and dizziness. The sufferer may also begin to sweat heavily and feel as if they are going to faint.

Because of the nature of the symptoms, there are often times when this disorder may not be detected until the victim has already developed serious problems with his or her life, such as depression and substance abuse. When these symptoms become too much of a problem for an individual, he or she may start to withdraw completely and not speak to anyone about the fear, and may even begin to withdraw from society.

While it is possible for people to deal with the symptoms themselves through self-help or with therapy, more doctors are now recommending that they seek the help of a therapist that specializes in treating mental disorders and anxiety. Therapy that focuses on this type of phobia is not only more effective but can also allow the sufferer to begin to understand why they are afraid of the dark.

There are also several types of treatment options available for individuals who suffer from this disorder.

Nyctophobia - The Fear of the Dark

While anti-anxiety medication is one of the most common options, other options include hypnosis and hypnotherapy. There are also natural products that are available for individuals who have had a bad reaction to prescription medications, and those who are just looking to manage their symptoms.

If you suspect that you may have this disorder, seek medical advice so that you can find out what options are available to treat your panic attack. It is never too early to start talking to a mental health provider about your anxiety if you think that you may have a problem. Panic attacks can be difficult to live with and treat if left alone. However, if you are feeling anxious, you do not have to let them get the best of you, there are a number of ways for you to take back control of your life and start to lead a normal life once again.

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