How To Treat Pain Of Ovarian Cyst

Cystocele or fallopian cyst is basically a small, fluid-filled sac that develops around a woman's ovary


It occurs in around three percent of women. Cystocele is also known as bladder wall cyst.


This is the most common type of cyst and occurs in around 50 percent of women worldwide. Cystocele usually affects women aged 20 and above. A woman's age will determine the severity and frequency of its occurrence.


Grade I cyst (mild): This is the largest ovarian cyst and usually goes away on its own after a few months. This degree is characterized by the absence of blood in the urine and very low pressure. Grade II cysts are the least painful and contain a small amount of blood in the urine. Grade III cysts have high urine pressure.


If you suspect you have a cyst, it is best to check with your doctor first. Doctors will do a physical exam, do urinalysis, and may do an ultrasound to determine the size and location of the cyst. This is the best way to make sure you don't have any other medical conditions, such as cancer, that can develop from your cyst.


Pain is one of the symptoms of a cyst. The pain can be severe and last for several weeks. You may feel pain when urinating or there may be blood in your urine. This may be due to a ruptured ovarian cyst. Cystectomy is an operation in which a cyst is completely removed from the ovary.


There are several ways to treat cyst pain. You can try taking pain relievers for a few days or ask your doctor to prescribe an epidural steroid injection. Or, if your cyst does not shrink, your doctor will likely recommend surgery to remove it.


Cystoceles can be very dangerous


If the cyst rupture and does not go away then the cyst is likely to come back. This is why you should be very careful while having this kind of cyst because it can cause infertility in many cases.


You can opt for surgery to remove the cyst if your cyst does not go away. The surgery is called a cystectomy and involves an incision in the pelvic area to remove the cyst. This can be painful but there are certain risks involved. Most often than not, a woman will lose the ability to get pregnant.


In the case of cystocele, a more natural treatment is recommended. One is to use birth control pills. There are also natural remedies that can help in reducing the pain that comes with the cyst. You should know that these treatments do not work effectively unless they are used regularly.


Another way to treat the pain of cyst is to make sure that you avoid stress while having your ovarian cyst. Stress can make the cyst to grow bigger. It can also trigger inflammation, which is the reason for the pain.


You should also try to avoid having sex during this time because it can increase the pain. cyst. Having a healthy diet will prevent the cyst from coming back.


One of the ways to treat pain of cyst is to eat right. Avoid eating foods that are high in calcium because this can help in preventing cyst. Also avoid eating foods that contain too much fats. Eat foods that are rich in fiber and vitamin C. It can help reduce the inflammation that can cause the pain of cyst.


If you want to relieve the pain of cyst, you should avoid alcohol because it can make cyst worse. Do not drink alcohol if you want to be free from pain and cyst. You can also try drinking tea, ginger ale or green tea.

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