Cause of Asexuality – What Causes Asexuality?

Asexuality is described as the absence of sexual interest in others, or lack or low interest in or desire towards sexual activity.

Cause of Asexuality - What Causes Asexuality?

It can also be considered an asexual orientation. It can also be classified more broadly into a variety of asexual sub-identifications.

Asexuality can be defined as the absence of any desire or sexual relationship. It can also be considered the absence of interest or sexuality in a variety of physical activities including but not limited to masturbation, oral sex and/or sexual intercourse. Asexuals do not engage in these activities for no apparent reason. Asexuals may not have any sexual desires or have an inability to have sexual feelings.

Sexual attraction is defined as an intense desire or need for sexual contact with another person. Sexual attraction is a natural human sexual urge which many individuals will experience at some point in their lives. Sexual attraction is a normal human response that is triggered by biological, social and environmental factors which may be present within the individual.

Asexuals lack of sexual interest or lack of sexual drive, which is part of what makes it a condition. Asexuals may have a low sexual desire or sexual drive and do not have an established sexual relationship, which may be caused by a number of underlying reasons.

There are varying degrees of asexuality and sexual relationships among different people who experience asexuality. Asexuals may have a very low or nonexistent sex drive. Or they may be unable to have an ongoing relationship due to low levels of physical intimacy and/or other factors such as a low perceived sexual desirability. Some asexuals may have low self esteem due to a combination of physical and psychological factors.

Some asexuals may choose not to date or even have relationships because they have a deep fear that their low sex drive may affect them socially and negatively if they do engage in sexual interactions. Others may choose to remain single out of fear of interacting with people because they believe that they do not have the same physical desires that most people have. It is important to note that there are a variety of different asexual orientations and sub-types.

The cause of asexuality may vary between individuals and within an individual as well.

Cause of Asexuality - What Causes Asexuality?

For some, the cause of asexuality may be biological. It could be related to a genetic abnormality which may be present in the family of origin and it could be caused by a neurological disorder that does not respond to conventional medications or therapy.

Asexuality should not be seen as a “disease” or illness. Rather, it is an orientation or preference that can be changed by changing a variety of lifestyle choices. Many asexuals have successfully overcome their sexual attractions and behaviors through psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and counseling.

The primary cause of asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction. Some asexuals have a low or nonexistent interest in sex or feel that sexual intercourse is for either men or women. Other asexuals do not have strong feelings for either gender and/or engage in sexual behavior because they feel that these activities are wrong or inappropriate. for them. Others are unsure if they want a relationship because they do not know if the other person is attracted to them.

Because the causes of asexuality are complex, it is possible to live a life of complete celibacy or aromatherapy if the cause of asexuality is low sex drive or the inability to become sexually attracted. Some asexual decide to abstain from sexual activity for religious reasons such as being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual or transgendered. Others have low self esteem issues and believe that relationships and sex are inappropriate for them.

If the cause of asexuality is a neurological abnormality, therapy may be able to help the asexual person overcome their sexual behavior or orientation. Medications such as antidepressants can also be prescribed to reduce the amount of testosterone in the body, which may be the cause of asexuality. However, the results of these medications are not permanent and they may result in rebound depression.

There are many other factors that can cause asexuality such as stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma, some medical conditions and environmental issues. The cause of asexuality should not be viewed as a disorder because it is a sexual orientation or preference, and can be overcome.

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