Home Remedies For a Plantar Wart

The plantar wart is a skin disorder caused by human papillomaviruses, also known as HPV.

Home Remedies For a Plantar Wart

They are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and can be transmitted sexually. They are most common on the ball of the foot or the heels, but they can also infect the toes.

Plantar warts can be very uncomfortable and cause excruciating pain. The affected area should be kept clean and dry. There are two types of plantar wart; the verrucous and the crescent shaped. They differ in size, shape and texture. Plantar warts look like cauliflower or even the white cauliflower that looks like an oyster.

Warts can appear anywhere on the body and most commonly are found on hands, feet, armpits, face, genital areas and back of neck. While plantar warts can be harmless, these people are suffering from a weak immune system or diabetes need immediate medical attention. If the warts do not go away within a few days of being discovered, they should be treated by a doctor.

Medical treatment for plantar warts involves applying ointment, numbing creams and even freezing or burning them off. Although it is not very painful, the painful symptoms can be so excruciating that the affected person may not be able to walk or perform physical activities at all.

Although the warts may have gone away without any medical treatment, sometimes they can reappear. To prevent this, you should always take good care of your feet especially if you do not use shoes. It is very important to keep your shoes dry and clean.

Proper exercise is very important and should be done regularly to avoid getting it. Proper footwear should be made from leather and should not be tight. Shoes that have open toes are not recommended because the moisture can get under the toes and cause the warts to come out. Avoid wearing shoes that do not fit properly and allow the natural crevices to get wet.

There are many over the counter medicines and medical treatments that are available to help prevent or remove the warts. These medicines are available in different strengths and in drugstores and online. However, most of these treatments work very well, especially those that are natural. prescribed by a physician. If the wart is too stubborn and hard to treat, the doctor will recommend surgery.

However, before you try any home remedies, you should consult your doctor first. You should also keep in mind that not all home remedies will work for all warts. Always remember to follow the directions and consult your physician and your doctor if you experience any side effects.

Another home remedy for a plantar wart is to apply petroleum jelly on the affected area every day until it fades away. This will prevent the affected area from healing and causing scarring.

There are also some home remedies that are very useful for removing the plantar warts. The most common ones include garlic, olive oil, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. This method may not be very effective for the warts that have multiple layers.

Garlic is considered as a very effective medicine for the removal of plantar warts because it contains enzymes that can destroy the warts. You can mix the garlic with the olive oil and then apply the mixture on the affected part every day.

Apple cider vinegar also has been known to cure and prevent the infection. All you have to do is apply this mixture to the wart twice a day until it fades away.

Another home remedy that you can try is by using tea tree oil and salt on the affected area. You should rub this mixture on the affected area until it dries and removes the wart.

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